Sunday, March 23, 2008

my MN Aunts and Uncles

Look at my fun toys!!!

Auntie Steph tried to feed me but i kept falling asleep.

Uncle Zach fed me my milk and I ate all of it!

Uncle Denny fed me my milk and look at my cute duckie booties and bib from Mom's friend Deb from Hill City

St. Patrick's Day

We went to the Ely's for St. patty's day...

grayson and his mommy and daddy were at the party too!

happy st.patrick's day ... here is me and my dad sporting the green!

Saturday, March 15, 2008

11 weeks old today :)

My 1st road trip!!!

I had some gas... because Mommy had some really yummy bean soup that Grandma Deb made and well... this is what Daddy does to help me get it out... I really like the help :)

We went to Iowa to see Grandpa and Grandma Gary and Deb and Uncle Eric. And Buddy the dog of course. Mommy and Daddy and Grandma Deb went to see Uncle Eric rock out on the guitar at his show choir contest and I got to stay home with Buddy and Grandpa Gary.

Mommy went back to work...

Mommy went back to work on March now I get to go to Miss Andrea's house and Miss Nicole's house during the day. I am a very good boy because Mommy put me on a schedule so I am easier to read when I cry. This is how the schedule goes I wake up at 5am and eat then play then sleep on the way to the sitter's house. Then I wake up again about an hour later and eat then play and then sleep again. Usually Mommy or Daddy picks me up by 4pm.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

so happy this morning

question: which bear is best?

Minnesota Snow in Missouri

We had a white out and dad both had snow days off of this picture it had already snowed 9 inches!!! and it was still coming down...

I stayed warm next to mom and dad though...

at daddy's work

yesterday I visited Daddy's work...he has some very nice co workers...they all loved to hold me and Daddy even flew me around the room like an airplane...I really wanted to ride on one of the tractors that he gets to drive but he said no because it was raining outside...maybe next time...

Monday, March 3, 2008


i went to the doctor today for my 2 month check-up
i weigh 16 pounds
i am 24 3/4 inches
and my head is 16 inches around

both hands in my mouth...

i like to chew on my fist...

just chillin'