Friday, July 9, 2010

john is an elk

mark and grandma maryann

silly family

uncle denny and ark

mark in his life jacket on the boat

john on the boat

todd and john making a big sand castle

john and val on the tube

hill city minnesota

papa fishy and mark and john

cool car

at canal park, duluth

by the bon fire telling fish stories

jenn and haddon some good friends from MN

leslie, dab, mark, eric, gary

grandpa and john and bear the dog

dunning springs

eric and mark

maddie and allie with leslie and david

7 wonders of Decorah

the weather on the way to decorah!

then we saw 3 rainbows!

in ice cave with eric, grandma and maddie

john and maddie (they are only 3 weeks apart in age)

grandpa and mark on father's day