Monday, December 15, 2008

we leave for MN/IA Christmas in 4 days!!!!!!!!

We had a Christmas dinner at Jessica and Ricky's house tonight. It was a yummy; apricot pork, carrots, and mashed potatoes. After, John opened

a birthday present from them. Thank you so much for the truck and dinner Jessica and Ricky. We love you guys!!

John doesn't really love to have his hat and mittens on, but today it was only 18 degrees so we all had to bundle up. Geeessshhh what state do we live in Minnesota or Missouri????

Trying to get a cute Christmas picture of John...

Happy Birthday baby Jesus!!! John loves to look at the nativity especially when we let him hold it then he gets to touch the little baby.

In the laundry basket! What a fun, cozy place to be.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

random photos

one year ago about... John is my belly , Todd and Eric

Todd and his books for class!!

Go Twins go!!and look shoes!!

wobble walker!!!

John is trying to walk... however crawling is way faster still!!
He might be running by the time we get to MN/IA for Christmas!!

As always he is having his own wet t-shirt contest :0) go drool!