Saturday, April 17, 2010

arrrr fighting like pirates matey

James and John showing off their fencing skills on our porch

gotcha !!!

Pirate Buddies :)
James and John

transportation workshop through the school district

sitting in a big semi with Nicole and James

John is tooting the horn :)

what a special delivery !!!

driving the fire truck!! or in John's words the "fire place"

up close to a police helicopter

dancing at the bowling alley :)

john's 1st time bowling


John did a pretty good job bowling... he just kept going and going it was hard to take turns at first

high five Daniel (birthday boy) good one!

of course we had to try it without the ramp too :))

chocolate frosting and a glow in the dark necklace...silly john

Monday, April 5, 2010

purina farms and fun with family

John and Zach touching the fishies

Walking through downtown Kirkwood watching the trains

riding in a car with Daddy :) thumbs up!!

coloring with Papa "fishy" :)

silly monster!!!

holsman fam. came to visit

preg-a-saur-ous!!! 37 weeks... csection planned for April 22 !!!

Zach, John, and Val on a tractor ride at Purina Farms

John and Daddy looking at the baby sheep


nice bunny :))

Friday, April 2, 2010

i found a worm !!!

see here it is

collecting rocks to throw in the creek

good one

wow big splash!!!

Reading books ... doing homework just like daddy :)

john in daddy's sweatshirt

at the zoo with Daddy and some seminary friends :)

Look at the turtle

look at those cool dudes!!